Let's get this out of the way: I don't speak about myself in the third person. I'm neither royalty nor am I insane (in spite of what some may think) and until one of those two conditions are met, it just doesn't seem right.

As an artist, I am self-taught and I've been drawing seriously since the mid-90s. We will not discuss how old I was in the mid-90s. I started, professionally, with a tattoo apprenticeship and later went into web design and advertising. Currently, you could call me a 'Freelance Illustrator' but all that really means is that I'm arty without being on someone's payroll. I work in a lot of mediums, but I definitely favour digital paint and 3d. When necessary, I describe my style as 'dark fantasy' but I tend not to think about that much.

My work has been featured in Dark Realms magazine and is being licensed by Tree Free Greetings and The Mountain.

How do you say it? It's not "Miz-hack Daweaslewacker", my apologies. The "zh" and "dzi" are pronounced similarly to the "s" in "treasure", that should help. You could always drop by a stream and ask!

I was born and raised in New York
Otherwise, what's there to say? I like cephalopods, spiders, B movies, corny jokes, stompy boots, video games and hats. Also, I'm short.

I'm always open to comments, feedback, criticism, offers of eternal servitude and chatting! You can find me at any of the links below. I would suggest joining the Discord if you actually want to chat about something.